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Football statistics and technology

Football statistics have developed in many ways, we know everything about a football player on the field, his movement on the field, how many times he touched the ball and how many times he lost the ball and it  could be transform as the most important data for the club, coach and the players. We need technology to make data become more accurate and i think every equipment have ready for this.
We know Squawka and Four four two they are the provider of football statistics, they always give best statistic that very usefull for all the players and the coaches even for the football fan like us, they give us new dimension to rate a player on the field and to rate the match. In Squawka they have Squawka player performance score to rate some players perfomance on the field, does they have play their rule in good ways on the field or not.
How are the data collected?? They get the data by the Opta Joe, Opta is a sports data company that collect, package, analyse and distribute live as quick as possible and accurate as possible. Opta have confirmed that they used software to produce data and statistic in a football match, some of them work for the home team actions and other for the away team. Football now have developed a lot, this kind of things have help all of the players, coches and football fans all around the world, not only for football but for all the kind of Sports.


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