In Indonesia there is a man that many people says that he is the father of national train. Where he could rebuilt the train national industry he change the culture of people and change the every aspect of passenger train into something more profesional from the worst to the best. Something that for some people never imagine it could be done just by one minister.
He is Ignatius Jonan the ex minister transportation of Indonesia. Ignasius Jonan was born in Singapoore 61 years ago but he spent many years by live in Surabaya that's why the way he talked very javanese by his accent. He said on an interview everything that he had done only by two words "working hard".
Something interesting by his story as a minister transporation when he could change the image of train in Indonesia that we all know at that time popular with their worst image. People took a pee on the train, there are many people didn't sit on their seat they sleeping on the ground and many pickpocket but Ignasius could change all that when he joined the government.
He started his brilliant job by fix the toilet for passenger he employs many expert from University to help him just only for toilet, but for him that was the most important things if we want to change people habit and as we know the way is very successfull.
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